Street sign

A street sign advertising our whereabouts is finally up! I had no idea that putting up a sign can be such a long road.

First we got told off by the planners that our sign was too big. Then no sign company was interested in making a sign, to my unending amazement.

Then, having made the sign, we realised that we were misled by the planners, and that we are allowed to have a sign FOUR TIMES bigger than what we made, because we’re not dentists or solicitors, but an accommodation business…

Then there is a question of how to put the damn thing up – so off to engineering company who would make a rig of cast iron.

And today, finally, the rig is in the ground, and the sign is up. One quarter size. I will gather my strength, save up some money, and get a proper size sign made, but not until we got used to this one…..


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